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Social Science 6 to 12

Test Format and Sample Questions

The Social Science 6 to 12 subject area test consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions. You will have two and one-half hours to complete the test.

Each question will contain four response options, and you will indicate your answer by selecting A, B, C, or D.

The table below presents types of questions on the exam and directs you to examples of these formats among the sample items that follow.

Table of Question Formats

Type of Question Sample Question
Charts, Graphs, and Maps
Identify or interpret a diagram by choosing the response option that best answers the question.
Question 6
Sentence Completion
Select the response option that best completes the sentence.
Question 8
Direct Question
Choose the response option that best answers the question.
Question 9
Examine a situation, problem, or case study. Then answer a question, make a diagnosis, or recommend a course of action by selecting the best response option.
Question 10
Select the best response option.
Question 11

Sample Questions

The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.

Question 1

Competency 1—Knowledge of geography

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following geographic elements does the following statement exemplify?

People who live in the Sahel wrap their heads with heavy material to keep the hot sun and sand out of their faces.

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Correct Response: C.

Question 2

Competency 1—Knowledge of geography

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Landform changes from the flow of lava are best associated with which essential element of geography?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 3

Competency 1—Knowledge of geography

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The natural process of erosion can best explain a gradual change in which of the following?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 4

Competency 1—Knowledge of geography

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Astronomical observations most influenced which of the following cultural aspects of early civilizations?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 5

Competency 2—Knowledge of economics

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

What would be the firm's opportunity cost if it moved production from Point A to Point B along the following production possibilities curve?

This is a Cartesian line graph titled Production Possibilities Curve. The X-axis is 6.8 cm long, is in bold font, and is titled Pants. The X and Y axes share an origin point that is labeled 0. At 1.6 cm intervals to the right of the origin point there are 4 vertical light gray lines. The vertical light gray lines, which are 7.2 cm long, start at the X-axis and run parallel to the Y axis. Each of the four vertical gray lines has a label on the X-axis. The first vertical gray line is labeled 25. The second vertical gray line is labeled 50. The third vertical gray line is labeled 75. The fourth vertical gray line is labeled 100. The numerical labels on the X-axis are not in bold font. The Y-axis is 7.2 cm long, is in bold font, and is titled Shirts. At 1.4 cm intervals above the origin point there are five horizontal gray lines. The horizontal gray lines, which are 6.8 cm long, start at the Y-axis and run parallel to the X-axis. Each of the five horizontal gray lines has a label on the Y-axis. The first horizontal gray line is labeled 10. The second horizontal gray line is labeled 20. The third horizontal gray line is labeled 30. The fourth horizontal gray line is labeled 40. The fifth horizontal gray line is labeled 50. The numerical labels on the Y-axis are not in bold font. On the graph is a bold curved line that is thicker than the axes lines. The curve starts at the point (0,50). The curve runs through the following points before ending at the point (100,0): (25,47), (50,40), (75, 30), (83, 20). On the curve two points have been marked with dots and labeled. The first point is at (50,40) and is labeled, in bold font, A. The second point is at (75,30) and is labeled, in bold font, B.
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Correct Response: A.

Question 6

Competency 2—Knowledge of economics

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Entrepreneurship and private property rights are most commonly associated with what type of economy?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 7

Competency 2—Knowledge of economics

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

As a cartel, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is most likely to

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Correct Response: A.

Question 8

Competency 2—Knowledge of economics

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

What is the primary purpose of the North American Free Trade Agreement?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 9

Competency 2—Knowledge of economics

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

A consumer uses a credit card that charges 10 percent annual interest to make a 1000 dollars purchase. What is the total cost of the purchase if the consumer pays 1 year from the date of purchase?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 10

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Identify a concurrent power of the federal and state governments.

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Correct Response: C.

Question 11

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

What is the function of the judicial branch of the federal government?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 12

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Establishing the minimum age for driver licenses is a responsibility of what level of government in the United States?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 13

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

In the U.S. system of government, which of the following powers is reserved exclusively for the states?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 14

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization primarily to achieve which of the following goals?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 15

Competency 3—Knowledge of political science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Countries that sign an armistice agree to

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Correct Response: C.

Question 16

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

During the Scientific Revolution, who was placed under house arrest and forced by the church to publicly deny his work?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 17

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following individuals from ancient Greece is best known for significant contributions to science?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 18

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Who initiated the Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 theses to a church door?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 19

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following terms best describes the government in Russia during the period from 1500 to 1900?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 20

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The ideas of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau most impacted the development of which of the following areas of knowledge?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 21

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which European nation dominated the exploration and colonization of Central and South America during the  sixteenth  century?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 22

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following developments was a primary cause for the decline of Native American populations during the  sixteenth  century?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 23

Competency 4—Knowledge of world history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following divided Korea into two separate countries: North Korea and South Korea?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 24

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following did the early English settlers tend to settle near in North America?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 25

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following significant battles of the American Revolution resulted in the final surrender of British forces in the colonies?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 26

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The desire to have a nation that spreads "from sea to shining sea" can best be linked to the

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Correct Response: C.

Question 27

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The United States entered into World War I in response to which of the following developments?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 28

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The Supreme Court under the leadership of Earl Warren is best known for its activism in which of the following areas?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 29

Competency 5—Knowledge of U.S. history

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The actions of Henry Flagler helped lead to the expansion of which of the following segments of the Florida economy?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 30

Competency 6—Knowledge of social science and its methodology

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Sources such as the Declaration of Independence, Common Sense, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, and the Magna Carta would be most relevant to researchers in the field of

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Correct Response: B.