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 Deaf or Hard of Hearing K to 12 

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Test Format and Sample Questions

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing K to 12 subject area test consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions.You will have two and one-half hours to complete the test.

Each of the questions will contain four response options, and you will indicate your answer by selecting A, B, C, or D.

The table below presents types of questions on the exam and directs you to examples of these formats among the sample items that follow.

Table of Question Formats

Type of Question Sample Question
Direct Question
Choose the response option that best answers the question.
Question 1
Examine a situation, problem, or case study. Then answer a question, make a diagnosis, or recommend a course of action by selecting the best response option.
Question 3
Sentence Completion
Select the response option that best completes the sentence.
Question 6
After viewing a video of a person signing a basic message in English-based signs or ASL (American Sign Language), select the response option that most closely corresponds to the sentence or sentences signed on the video.

For exams delivered through September 30, 2023, the message will be signed twice. You will then have 20 seconds to select the response that most closely corresponds to the sentence or sentences signed on the video.

Note that the video will automatically play when advancing to the question and video controls (pause, stop, replay) are disabled. After the 20 seconds allotted to select a response, you will be automatically advanced to the next question. You will NOT be able to return to the previous question so be sure to indicate your response in the 20 seconds provided.

Beginning October 1, 2023, you will control the playing of the video and will have two (2) opportunities to view each video. Once the second play has begun, you will not be able to replay the video again.

You may return to and review questions; however, the number of video playbacks is limited, so you may not be able to replay video upon return to the questions (e.g., if you have already viewed the video clip twice, you will not be able to replay it again).
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Sample Questions

The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.